A online diary of infertility stories complete with the tears, the joys and the in-betweens of non-conventional journeys to parenthood. Join us, share with us, lean on us.

You are not alone

We stand as an unwavering beacon, an online sanctuary for those facing infertility. A resource, a friend, and a comforting embrace when tears flow freely.

Our hope: to raise awareness about the often-unspoken female health conditions, the relentless battles against infertility, the incredible paths to parenthood that defy convention, and the profound beauty found within the struggles that shape each warrior’s unique story.

Within these virtual walls, we create a haven—a safe space where infertility stories are shared, connections are forged, and the isolating journey suddenly feels less lonely.

Rest assured, dear sister, we are here for you. We understand, we empathize, and we stand by your side. Together, we can conquer the challenges, find solace in one another, and embrace the strength within us.

About Me

Hi, I’m Erica, let’s connect

I am an infertility warrior, battling endometriosis and IVF struggles, who has discovered solace, sisterhood, and profound connections within the incredible online infertility community. Together, we can conquer any obstacle on the path to parenthood, painting a tapestry of beautiful and diverse journeys that defy conventional norms.


Moving Mountains, One story at a Time

What’s to come and what you can expect from this blog

Blog Posts

  • A Cancer Survivor Turned Infertility Warrior Through the Miracle of DEIVF

    Written By: Alisa Ross If Alisa’s story resonates with you, connect with her via Instagram: @alisamarie0513 My name is Alisa, I’m 34 years old and live in Green Bay, Wisconsin. On February 24, 2017 my life was turned upside down! I was diagnosed with Stage 2B Triple Positive Breast Cancer at 27 years old. I…


  • First Time Mama Product Recommendations, From the Friends Who Had Kids Before Us

    Link to all products here Pregnancy after infertility and/or loss is a weird process. We spend so much time focused on seeing those two pink lines, then sustaining the pregnancy, sticking needles in our ass, and trying not to have a nervous breakdown in the process, that before we know it, we are halfway through…


  • Finding Solace Through Sharing: My Loss Story

    Written by: Rachel Koslowski If Rachel’s story resonates with you, connect with her on Instagram via @raygoodss Hi, my name is Rachel. I wanted to share a little about my story with you… Nothing feels adequate enough to share the depth of the pain or the heartache that comes with losing your baby. August 9th…


  • Our Journey to Baby Ferraro, A Poem

    This poem was written on August 2, 2023, the morning that we received our first positive pregnancy test after an unbelievable, 2+ year fertility battle. If you’re going through infertility, and you feel like no one understands, I hope these words comfort your heart, today. By: Erica Ferraro The last two years were unfathomable, They…